Fashion or Famine Ultimate Fashion Guides

Styling Your 70s Inspired Outfit: A Step-by-Step Guide ✨

Learn how to create a stylish 70s inspired outfit with our step-by-step guide. Choose your main piece, select complementary pieces, don't forget the shoes, accessorize, and add the final touches. Get the perfect 70s vibe!

Styling Your 70s Inspired Outfit: A Step-by-Step Guide

70s-style clothing item
Step 1: Choose Your Main Piece
Start with your 70s-style clothing item as the main piece. This could be bell-bottom jeans, a maxi dress, or a wide-collar shirt. Make sure it's something you feel confident and comfortable in.
Complementary pieces with main 70s-style clothing item
Step 2: Select Complementary Pieces
Next, choose additional pieces that complement your main item. If you're wearing bell-bottom jeans, a fitted top can balance the look. If you've chosen a maxi dress, a wide-brimmed hat or chunky jewelry can add a 70s vibe.
70s-style platform shoes or boots
Step 3: Don't Forget the Shoes
70s fashion was all about platform shoes and boots. Choose footwear that matches your outfit and adds to the 70s feel. Remember, comfort is key!
70s-style accessories
Step 4: Accessorize
Accessories can make or break your outfit. Think oversized sunglasses, chunky bracelets, and long, layered necklaces. These can really help to enhance the 70s vibe of your outfit.
70s-style hairstyle and makeup
Step 5: Final Touches
Lastly, consider your hairstyle and makeup. Loose waves, braids, or a high ponytail can complement your outfit. For makeup, think natural with a pop of color on your lips or eyes.

Embrace the spirit of the 70s with our step-by-step guide on how to style a 70s inspired outfit. The 70s was a decade that saw a significant shift in fashion trends, with the rise of disco, punk, and bohemian styles. This period of fashion history has made a significant impact on our wardrobes today, with many of its trends making a comeback in 2022.

Our guide offers a simple and fun way to incorporate 70s fashion into your everyday style. Whether you're attending a 70s-themed event or just want to add a vintage touch to your wardrobe, our guide will help you navigate the world of 70s fashion with ease.

Understanding 70s Fashion

The 70s was a time of experimentation and freedom in fashion. From the hippie movement to the disco era, the fashion of the 70s was diverse and dynamic. If you're curious about what influenced 70s fashion, our article on what influenced 1970s fashion provides an in-depth look at the cultural and social changes that shaped this era's style.

Creating a 70s Look with Modern Pieces

Creating a 70s inspired outfit doesn't mean you have to go hunting for vintage pieces. In fact, you can dress in the 70s style with normal clothes you probably already have in your closet. The key is to focus on the silhouette and details that define 70s fashion - think bell-bottom jeans, maxi dresses, wide-collar shirts, and of course, platform shoes.

Accessorizing Your 70s Outfit

Accessories play a crucial role in achieving a 70s look. Oversized sunglasses, chunky bracelets, long, layered necklaces, and wide-brimmed hats were all staples of 70s fashion. Don't be afraid to go bold with your accessories - the 70s was all about making a statement!

Final Touches

Finally, don't forget about your hair and makeup. Loose waves, braids, or a high ponytail can complement your outfit and add that final 70s touch. For makeup, think natural with a pop of color on your lips or eyes.

Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or just someone who appreciates the style of the 70s, our guide offers a fun and easy way to incorporate 70s fashion into your everyday style. So why wait? Start exploring the world of 70s fashion today!